Monday, May 12, 2008

Baby Dedication

Brody and Maura
Brody's outfit
Maura's dress
Granddaddy, Brody, Maura and Grandmother
Aunt Molly, Maura, Brody, and Uncle Craig
Aunt Laura, Brody, Mommy, Maura, and Aunt Angela
Brody and Maura

Getting ready for dinner Saturday night
Maura and Brody with Lulu and Papa
Maura and Mommy
Daddy, Brody, Mommy, and Maura
Papa, Brody, Lulu, and Maura

Saturday night we went out to treat my mom for Mother's Day. Maura and Brody had their first trip to Bennie's Red Barn, but they really did not know they were there because they slept the entire time. Sunday was baby dedication at church, so we had family in town. Both sets of grandparents came to visit and several aunts and uncles. Maura and Brody wore outfits that my mom smocked for them. These might be the only pictures we have of Brody in his outfit because he insists on beefing up at an ourageous pace! Maura and Brody were worn out after everyone left, so they slept pretty soundly last night only waking to eat. My first Mother's Day was wonderful!!

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