Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Savannah Visit

Brody, Lulu, and Maura

Maura eating peas

Brody after eating squash

Brody goofing off and Maura being serious
Aunt Steph holding Maura
(Stephanie has never held babies until Maura and Brody came along!)
Granny and Maura
Brody laughing with Papa

Brody and Maura in Papa's hammock
We loved this last picture because it looks like they are holding each other's toes! I took Maura and Brody to Savannah last week while Chris was in Atlanta. They had a great time playing on the back porch at my parents' house. They both enjoyed the hammock, but Maura thought it was much better than her little swing that sits on the floor. I doubt she will even go back in her own swing. This Thursday is Maura and Brody's six month check-up with Dr. Cooper. Hopefully we get a great report. I will take six month pictures this week and post them later.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Two Smiles at Once

This is our very first picture where Maura and Brody are both smiling.
This is truly what it is all about!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Brody's first taste of peas

Maura's first taste of peas

Maura and Brody supporting their Daddy's favorite team

Maura after a good meal

Brody patiently waiting for food
Brody before his bath

the only shot of Maura propped up

This weekend we went to Savannah to visit with Maura and Brody's grandparents. Brody was cutting his two front teeth, so I did not capture too many smiles from him. Luckily the discomfort only last two days before Brody was back to normal. Now we just wait for Maura to start. Both of the babies are eating really well; Maura has liked every baby food so far, and Brody only disliked sweet potatoes. We are into fruits now, and needless-to-say there was banana every where last night!