Maura does not have a recent picture without the thumb in the mouth and the blankie by her side. Brody just hangs out and goes with the flow. They will be wearing these UGA shirts quite often this football season.
This weekend we went to North Augusta to visit Maura and Brody's great-grandparents. Although it made for a long day, we all enjoyed the visit. Maura and Brody also had their first trip to Sconyer's BBQ while we were there. Aunt Sheri got a workout keeping up with Maura for several hours on Saturday evening!
I took pictures of Maura and Brody last year on the first day of school in Glynn County. Today I did the same, but it was much more difficult to take the pictures this year. I started off with Maura and Brody standing at the wagon, then I took a few in the grocery cart at Publix, but I finally resorted to taking separate pictures! I get better pictures when they are playing on their own.
Maura trying to duck from the view
Maura was squealing as I took this one. Brody just stares at her likes she is crazy!
adequate reflection of their personalities
Brody can be a little silly when Maura is not around.
Grandmother Thomas came to visit today. Maura and Brody had a great time playing with her after we met Chris for lunch. After being sick all week and stuck at home with just me, I think Maura and Brody were glad to have a visitor. Grandmother brought them each a new book, but Brody was the only one who sat still long enough to read the whole book.
Maura and Brody have both been sick this week, but they each have a different idea of what it means to be sick. Maura carries her blanket all day and sucks her thumb a little more, but her energy level remains fairly normal. Brody on the other hand cuddles nonstop, rocks for hours, and even resorted to crawling again as if his legs were too weak to hold himself up. Maura's idea of being sick
This morning we went over to the beach to meet the Floyds. Maura and Brody got to play with William and Lily again, and they met Sam for the first time. We had a great time, but the twins did not last long in the heat. Chris finally got to meet Julie, my virtual co-worker!
Lily pulled Brody in the wagon for nearly an hour.